
Ultimate Guide for Section 3 Authenticity Inauthentic Claim Deactivation For Amazon Sellers


Selling on Amazon can be tough, especially when your account gets deactivated because of inauthentic claim complaints under Section 3 of the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement. This guide aims to help Amazon sellers understand why these suspensions happen, what steps to take to resolve them, and how to prevent future issues. With the right knowledge and strategies, you can effectively manage and protect your Amazon selling account.

Understanding the ins and outs of Amazon’s policies, particularly those related to inauthentic claims, is crucial for maintaining a successful business on the platform. Inauthentic claim complaints often arise when customers or rights holders believe that a product being sold is counterfeit or not as advertised. Amazon takes these complaints seriously to maintain the integrity of its marketplace, protect customers, and uphold the trust placed in its platform.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the specifics of the Amazon Anti-Counterfeit Policy and Section 3 of the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement. We will explore common reasons for inauthentic claim complaints, the immediate actions you should take if you receive such a complaint, and detailed steps to address a suspension. Additionally, we will provide a sample Plan of Action (POA) and tips for writing an effective appeal to help you get your account reinstated.

Amazon Anti-Counterfeit Policy

Amazon’s Anti-Counterfeit Policy is a crucial part of maintaining trust and safety in its marketplace. This policy aims to protect consumers from purchasing counterfeit products and ensures that only authentic items are sold on the platform. Counterfeit products not only violate intellectual property rights but also pose significant risks to consumers, including potential safety hazards.

Key Components of the Policy

  1. Strict Prohibition of Counterfeit Products: Amazon prohibits the sale of counterfeit products outright. This includes any products that infringe on trademarks, copyrights, patents, or other intellectual property rights. Sellers are required to ensure that their products are genuine and sourced from authorized distributors.
  2. Verification Processes: To uphold the integrity of the marketplace, Amazon conducts stringent verification processes for sellers. This includes verifying the identity of sellers and the authenticity of their products. Sellers must provide documentation such as invoices, purchase orders, and letters of authorization from manufacturers.
  3. Enforcement and Penalties: Amazon actively monitors its marketplace for counterfeit products using advanced technologies and customer reports. Sellers found to be violating the policy can face severe penalties, including the suspension or termination of their selling privileges, removal of their product listings, and possible legal action.
  4. Reporting Mechanisms: Amazon provides a robust reporting mechanism for rights holders and customers to report suspected counterfeit products. This helps Amazon quickly identify and take action against counterfeit listings, protecting both consumers and legitimate businesses.

Importance for Sellers

Understanding and complying with the Amazon Anti-Counterfeit Policy is vital for sellers to maintain their accounts and avoid suspensions. Here are key reasons why this policy matters for sellers:

  1. Maintaining Account Health: Non-compliance with the anti-counterfeit policy can lead to account suspensions. Ensuring that all products are authentic and sourced from legitimate suppliers helps in maintaining a healthy account status.
  2. Building Consumer Trust: Selling genuine products builds trust with consumers, leading to positive reviews and repeat business. Trust is a critical factor for success on Amazon, where customer feedback heavily influences buying decisions.
  3. Avoiding Legal Issues: Selling counterfeit products can result not only in Amazon penalties but also in legal repercussions. Intellectual property owners can take legal action against sellers who infringe on their rights, leading to costly lawsuits and damages.

Best Practices for Compliance

To comply with Amazon’s Anti-Counterfeit Policy, sellers should adopt the following best practices:

  1. Source from Reputable Suppliers: Always purchase inventory from authorized distributors or directly from manufacturers. This ensures the authenticity of the products and provides the necessary documentation for verification.
  2. Maintain Detailed Records: Keep comprehensive records of all transactions, including invoices, purchase orders, and supplier agreements. These documents are crucial if you need to prove the authenticity of your products to Amazon.
  3. Regularly Monitor Listings: Regularly check your product listings for any signs of counterfeit issues. This includes monitoring customer feedback and reviews for complaints about product authenticity.
  4. Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with Amazon’s policies and any changes to the Anti-Counterfeit Policy. Amazon periodically updates its policies to enhance marketplace safety and compliance.

Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement

The Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement is the foundational contract that governs the relationship between Amazon and its sellers. This agreement outlines the rules, responsibilities, and expectations for sellers who wish to utilize Amazon’s platform to sell their products. Understanding this agreement, especially Section 3, is vital for any seller aiming to maintain compliance and avoid potential account suspensions.

Overview of Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement

The Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement is a comprehensive document that details the terms and conditions under which sellers operate on Amazon. This agreement covers various aspects, including account management, product listings, payment processing, and compliance with applicable laws. Adherence to this agreement is mandatory for all sellers, and violations can lead to severe consequences, including account suspension or termination.

Key Components of Section 3

Section 3 of the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement is particularly crucial as it directly addresses issues related to account suspension, termination, and compliance. Here, we will break down the key components of Section 3 and their implications for sellers.

Suspension and Termination of Accounts

What It Entails: Amazon reserves the right to suspend or terminate seller accounts at any time if sellers are found to be in violation of Amazon’s policies or if their actions are deemed harmful to Amazon, its customers, or other sellers. This includes selling counterfeit goods, violating intellectual property rights, engaging in fraudulent activities, or failing to maintain account health.

Impact on Sellers: Account suspension or termination can halt your business operations on Amazon, affecting sales and revenue. It’s crucial to understand that Amazon takes a zero-tolerance approach to violations, particularly those involving intellectual property rights and counterfeit goods.

Compliance with Laws

What It Entails: Sellers are required to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including those related to intellectual property. This means ensuring that your products do not infringe on copyrights, trademarks, patents, or other IP rights.

Impact on Sellers: Non-compliance with applicable laws can lead to account suspension, legal action, and significant financial penalties. Sellers must be vigilant in verifying that their products and business practices comply with all relevant legal requirements.

Responsibility for Listings

What It Entails: Sellers are solely responsible for the products they list on Amazon, including ensuring the accuracy of product descriptions, images, and other details. Additionally, sellers must verify that their listings do not infringe on any intellectual property rights.

Impact on Sellers: Inaccurate or infringing product listings can result in immediate removal of the listings and potential suspension of the seller account. Maintaining accurate and compliant product listings is essential for sustaining a good standing on Amazon.

Remedies for Breach

What It Entails: If a seller breaches the terms of the agreement, Amazon may take various actions, including suspending selling privileges, withholding payments, and pursuing legal action if necessary.

Impact on Sellers: Breaching the agreement can have severe consequences, not only affecting your ability to sell on Amazon but also potentially leading to legal and financial repercussions. It is critical to adhere to the terms and conditions outlined in the agreement to avoid these outcomes.

How Section 3 Impacts Sellers

Section 3 of the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement emphasizes the importance of adhering to Amazon’s policies and complying with all relevant laws. Here’s how it impacts sellers:

  • Maintaining Compliance: Sellers must ensure their products and listings comply with intellectual property laws and Amazon’s policies. This involves conducting thorough checks to avoid using copyrighted images, trademarks, or patented technologies without permission.
  • Vigilance in Listing Accuracy: Accurate product listings that do not infringe on any IP rights are essential. Sellers should regularly audit their listings to ensure compliance and avoid potential issues.
  • Understanding Consequences: Awareness of the severe consequences of non-compliance, including account suspension, termination, and legal action, is crucial. Sellers must take proactive measures to avoid violations and maintain a healthy account status.

By understanding and adhering to Section 3 of the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement, sellers can mitigate the risk of account suspensions and ensure a smooth and successful selling experience on Amazon. Compliance with this agreement is not only a requirement but also a best practice for sustaining and growing your business on the platform.

Common Reasons for Inauthentic Claim Complaints

Inauthentic claim complaints on Amazon are a significant concern for many sellers. These complaints can lead to account suspension, severely impacting your business. Understanding the common reasons behind these complaints is essential for preventing them and maintaining a healthy seller account. Here are the most frequent causes of inauthentic claim complaints:

1. Selling Counterfeit Products

One of the primary reasons for inauthentic claims is the sale of counterfeit products. Amazon is vigilant about protecting its customers from fake goods. If a product is reported or detected as counterfeit, Amazon will take swift action against the seller. Counterfeit products are not only illegal but also harm customer trust in the Amazon marketplace.

2. Poor Product Quality

Products that do not meet the expected quality standards can be flagged as inauthentic. Customers expect to receive items that match the descriptions provided. If the product quality is subpar, customers may report it as fake or inauthentic. Ensuring high-quality products and accurate descriptions can help avoid such complaints.

3. Mismatched Product Descriptions

If the product received by the customer does not match the description on the listing, it can lead to inauthentic claims. This includes discrepancies in product features, specifications, or even brand names. Always double-check your listings to ensure they accurately represent the product being sold.

4. Unauthorized Reselling

Selling branded products without proper authorization can trigger inauthentic claims. Some brands have strict policies about who can sell their products. If you are not an authorized reseller, you risk your listings being flagged as inauthentic. Always ensure you have the necessary permissions to sell branded items.

5. Incomplete or Incorrect Documentation

In some cases, Amazon may request documentation to verify the authenticity of your products. Failing to provide complete or accurate documentation can result in inauthentic claims. Keep all necessary paperwork, such as invoices and receipts, organized and readily available for submission.

6. Customer Complaints and Returns

High rates of customer complaints and returns can raise red flags for Amazon. If multiple customers report that your products are inauthentic, Amazon may investigate and take action. Providing excellent customer service and addressing issues promptly can help mitigate this risk.

7. Supplier Issues

Problems with suppliers can also lead to inauthentic claims. If your supplier provides counterfeit or low-quality products, you could be held responsible. Vetting your suppliers thoroughly and maintaining good relationships with reputable sources is crucial.

8. Packaging Discrepancies

Packaging that does not match the brand’s standard can cause suspicion. Customers might perceive differences in packaging as a sign of counterfeit products. Ensure that the packaging is consistent with what is expected for the brand.

9. Product Authenticity Verification

Amazon may use various methods to verify the authenticity of products, including customer feedback and third-party authentication services. If your products fail these checks, they can be deemed inauthentic. Regularly review feedback and stay updated on Amazon’s verification processes.

Understanding the common reasons for inauthentic claim complaints on Amazon is the first step in preventing them. By ensuring product quality, accuracy in listings, proper authorization, and excellent customer service, you can minimize the risk of receiving such claims.

Immediate Steps to Take Upon Receiving an Inauthentic Claim

Receiving an inauthentic claim on Amazon can be a stressful experience for any seller. However, taking prompt and effective action can help resolve the issue and protect your seller account. Here are the immediate steps you should take if you receive an inauthentic claim:

1. Stay Calm and Review the Claim

The first step is to stay calm and carefully review the inauthentic claim notice from Amazon. Understand the specifics of the claim, including which product is involved and the details provided by Amazon. This will help you address the issue accurately and thoroughly.

2. Verify the Authenticity of the Product

Immediately verify the authenticity of the product in question. Check your inventory records, purchase invoices, and supplier details to ensure that the product is genuine. This will provide you with the necessary evidence to support your case.

3. Check Product Listings for Accuracy

Review the product listing on Amazon to ensure that all information is accurate and up-to-date. Make sure that the product description, images, and specifications correctly represent the item you are selling. Inaccuracies in the listing can lead to misunderstandings and inauthentic claims.

4. Contact Your Supplier

Reach out to your supplier to confirm the authenticity of the product. Request any additional documentation that can verify the legitimacy of the product. This might include certificates of authenticity, purchase orders, and detailed invoices. Having solid proof from your supplier will strengthen your response to Amazon.

5. Gather All Relevant Documentation

Collect all relevant documentation related to the product, including:

  • Purchase invoices
  • Certificates of authenticity
  • Communication with suppliers
  • Any other proof that verifies the product’s authenticity

Having a comprehensive set of documents ready will be crucial for your Plan of Action (POA)

6. Communicate with Amazon Support

If needed, reach out to Amazon Seller Support for further assistance. They can provide guidance on the appeal process and help clarify any uncertainties you may have. Maintaining open communication with Amazon can help resolve the issue more efficiently.

Acting quickly and effectively upon receiving an inauthentic claim is essential for protecting your Amazon seller account. By verifying the authenticity of your products, gathering relevant documentation, and preparing a strong Plan of Action, you can address the issue head-on.

Steps to Address an Inauthentic Claim Suspension

When faced with an inauthentic claim suspension on Amazon, it is crucial to take systematic and thorough steps to resolve the issue. Addressing the claim effectively can help you get your account reinstated and maintain a positive seller reputation.

When Amazon deactivates your account for Inauthentic complaints, you will receive an email notification similar to the following:

Section 3 Product Authenticity Inauthentic Claim

Here are the essential steps to address an inauthentic claim suspension:

1. Identify the Root Cause

The first and most critical step is to identify the root cause of the inauthentic claim. Understanding why Amazon flagged your product as inauthentic will guide your entire response process. Here’s how to approach this:

  • Review Amazon’s Notification: Carefully read the suspension notice from Amazon. Look for specific details regarding the claim, such as which product is affected and the nature of the complaint.
  • Analyze Customer Feedback: Examine any customer feedback or reviews that may have triggered the claim. Customers might have reported issues that led to the suspension.
  • Check Product Authenticity: Verify the authenticity of the product by reviewing your supply chain. Ensure that the product is genuine and matches the description provided in your listing.
  • Audit Your Listings: Make sure that your product listings are accurate and complete. Incorrect or misleading information can result in inauthentic claims.

2. (A)Gather Evidence

Once you have identified the root cause, gather all necessary evidence to support your case. Proper documentation is vital in proving the authenticity of your products. Here’s what you should collect:

  • Invoices and Receipts: Gather purchase invoices, receipts, and purchase orders from your suppliers. These documents should clearly show that you obtained the products from legitimate sources.
  • Certificates of Authenticity: If available, obtain certificates of authenticity from the manufacturer or authorized distributors.
  • Supplier Contact Information: Provide contact details for your suppliers so that Amazon can verify the authenticity of your products if needed.
  • Product Images and Descriptions: Ensure that your product images and descriptions match the actual products. Provide updated and accurate information if necessary.

(B) What If You Do Not Have the Required Documents?

If you find yourself without the necessary documents to prove the authenticity of your products, don’t panic. This situation requires a strategic approach to resolve the issue effectively. You can reach out to us for assistance. At Aplus Global Ecommerce, we specialize in helping sellers handle these complex situations.

Using our specialized techniques that we have built in our past 5 years of experience, we can help you reactivate your account even if you lack the required documentation. Our expertise and proven methods ensure that your appeal has the best chance of success, allowing you to resume your business operations on Amazon.

3. Draft Your Plan of Action (POA)

A well-structured Plan of Action (POA) is essential for resolving the inauthentic claim and getting your account reinstated. Your POA should be clear, concise, and address all aspects of the claim. Here’s how to draft an effective POA:

  • Introduction: Begin with a brief introduction stating your commitment to Amazon’s policies and your intention to resolve the issue.
  • Identify the Issue: Clearly state the issue that led to the inauthentic claim. Reference the specific product and provide details about the complaint.
  • Root Cause Analysis: Explain the root cause of the problem. Whether it was a misunderstanding, an error in the listing, or an issue with the supplier, provide a thorough analysis.
  • Corrective Actions: Describe the steps you have taken to address the issue. This could include updating product listings, contacting suppliers for verification, or removing the problematic product from your inventory.
  • Preventive Measures: Outline the measures you will implement to prevent future inauthentic claims. This may include stricter quality control, better supplier vetting, and regular audits of your listings.
  • Conclusion: End with a concise conclusion, reiterating your commitment to maintaining high standards and compliance with Amazon’s policies.Check our Portfolio section here

4. Sample Plan of Action for Inauthentic Claim

To help you draft your own POA, here’s a sample Plan of Action for an inauthentic claim:

———————————————————————————————————————————————————————-Dear Amazon Seller Performance Team,

I am writing to address the inauthentic claim regarding ASIN {}. I take Amazon’s policies very seriously and am committed to resolving this issue promptly and ensuring it does not occur again. Below is a detailed Plan of Action to address the issue.

Identify the Issue:

The inauthentic claim was made against [Product Name], ASIN [Product ASIN]. The claim states that the product may not be genuine.

Root Cause Analysis:

After thorough investigation, I identified that the root cause of the issue was [describe the root cause, e.g., a supplier error, a listing mistake, etc.].

Corrective Actions:

  1. Supplier Verification: I have contacted the supplier and verified the authenticity of the product. Attached are the invoices and certificates of authenticity.
  2. Listing Update: I have updated the product listing to ensure accuracy. The product images and descriptions now fully reflect the actual product.
  3. Inventory Audit: I conducted a full audit of my inventory to ensure all products meet Amazon’s standards.

Preventive Measures:

  1. Supplier Vetting: I will implement a stricter vetting process for suppliers to ensure all products are authentic and meet Amazon’s requirements.
  2. Regular Audits: I will conduct regular audits of my inventory and product listings to maintain accuracy and compliance.
  3. Customer Feedback: I will closely monitor customer feedback and address any concerns immediately to prevent future claims.


I am dedicated to maintaining the highest standards on Amazon and will take all necessary steps to ensure compliance with Amazon’s policies. Thank you for your consideration.

[Your Name]
[Your Amazon Seller Account Name]

Read Also:- Ultimate Guide for Amazon Sellers Facing Account Deactivation Due to Intellectual Property Complaints

Monitoring and Following Up on Your Appeal

After submitting your Plan of Action (POA) to Amazon, the process is far from over. Amazon may request additional information or even reject your initial appeal. Here’s how to effectively monitor and follow up on your appeal to ensure the best possible outcome.

Respond Promptly to Requests for Additional Information

1. Provide Clear and Concise Responses: If Amazon asks for more information, respond promptly and clearly. Address their concerns directly and provide any additional documentation or evidence they request. This demonstrates your willingness to cooperate and resolve the issue.

2. Be Thorough and Accurate: Ensure that all the information you provide is accurate and complete. Incomplete or incorrect information can lead to further delays or even a final rejection of your appeal.

Prepare for a Possible Rejection

1. Analyze the Rejection Reason: If Amazon rejects your appeal, carefully review their feedback. Understand the specific reasons for the rejection so you can address them directly in your next appeal.

2. Revise Your Plan of Action: Based on the feedback, revise your Plan of Action to address any deficiencies or additional points raised by Amazon. Include any new evidence or documentation that supports your case.

Submit a Revised Appeal

1. Address All Feedback: Ensure that your revised appeal addresses every point of feedback from Amazon. Demonstrate that you’ve taken their concerns seriously and have made the necessary changes to your business practices.

2. Highlight Your Commitment to Compliance: Emphasize your commitment to adhering to Amazon’s policies and preventing future issues. Show that you’ve implemented new measures or changes to ensure compliance and improve your operations.

Monitoring and following up on your appeal is a critical part of the process when dealing with an inauthentic claim on Amazon. By staying vigilant, responding promptly, and being prepared to revise and resubmit your appeal, you increase your chances of a successful resolution. Remember, persistence and thoroughness are key to navigating this challenging process and reinstating your Amazon seller account.

Tips for Writing a Great Plan of Action

Creating a compelling Plan of Action (POA) is crucial for addressing inauthentic claims and other issues on Amazon. A well-crafted POA not only helps in reinstating your seller account but also demonstrates your commitment to adhering to Amazon’s policies. Here are some detailed tips to ensure your POA is effective and thorough.

1. Understand the Issue Thoroughly

Identify the Root Cause: Before you start writing your POA, make sure you have a clear understanding of the problem. Review the notification from Amazon to identify the specific issues or violations. This will help you address each point accurately in your POA.

2. Be Specific and Detailed

Provide Clear Explanations: When describing the issue and your corrective actions, be specific. Avoid vague statements. Instead of saying “We will ensure better quality control,” specify what steps you will take, such as “We have implemented a three-step quality control process to inspect all products before they are shipped.”

3. Structure Your POA Clearly

Use a Logical Format: Organize your POA in a clear and logical structure. Typically, a POA includes:

  • Introduction: A brief summary of the issue and your commitment to resolving it.
  • Root Cause: An explanation of what caused the issue.
  • Immediate Actions Taken: Steps you have already taken to address the issue.
  • Preventive Measures: Long-term actions to prevent future occurrences.

4. Address Each Point Raised by Amazon

Respond to All Concerns: Ensure that your POA addresses all the points raised in Amazon’s notification. If Amazon highlighted multiple issues, address each one individually. This shows that you have thoroughly considered and acted upon their feedback.

5. Include Evidence and Documentation

Support Your Claims: Wherever possible, include evidence to support your statements. This could be copies of revised policies, receipts for new equipment, training materials, or screenshots of updated processes. Evidence helps substantiate your claims and gives Amazon confidence in your commitment to compliance.

6. Show Commitment to Amazon’s Policies

Highlight Your Commitment: Reiterate your understanding and commitment to Amazon’s policies and guidelines. Explain how your actions align with maintaining the integrity of Amazon’s marketplace. This reassures Amazon that you are dedicated to complying with their standards.

7. Be Honest and Transparent

Acknowledge Mistakes: If mistakes were made, acknowledge them. Taking responsibility and showing that you understand what went wrong can be more effective than trying to deflect blame. Transparency builds trust and shows that you are serious about improving.

8. Keep It Professional and Concise

Avoid Unnecessary Details: While it’s important to be detailed, avoid including unnecessary information that doesn’t directly relate to the issue or your corrective actions. Keep your POA professional, clear, and to the point.

9. Proofread Your POA

Ensure Clarity and Accuracy: Before submitting your POA, proofread it carefully. Check for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and clarity. A well-written and error-free POA reflects professionalism and attention to detail.

10. Seek Expert Advice if Needed

Consult Professionals: If you’re unsure about your POA or have faced repeated rejections, consider consulting with professionals who specialize in Amazon appeals. They can provide valuable insights and help you craft a stronger POA.

By following these tips, you can create a comprehensive and effective Plan of Action that addresses Amazon’s concerns and demonstrates your commitment to compliance. A well-prepared POA not only helps in resolving the current issue but also sets a strong foundation for maintaining a successful and compliant selling experience on Amazon.


Facing account deactivation due to inauthentic claim complaints on Amazon requires a thorough understanding of Amazon’s policies and a proactive approach.YOu  By identifying the root cause, gathering the necessary documentation, drafting a comprehensive Plan of Action, and following up diligently, you can effectively address these challenges. Implementing preventive measures and staying updated on Amazon’s guidelines will help maintain your account’s health and ensure a successful selling experience on the platform.

Please contact us if you need expert help and guidance to activate your seller account.


For more detailed information, refer to the following pages in Amazon Seller University:

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