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Portfolio Details

  • Objective

    Activation of Amazon Seller Account and release $144000 from expenses

  • Date

    30 November, 2023

  • Marketplace

    United States

  • Challenges

    Navigated complex IP laws and multiple infringement claims

  • Solution

    Crafted detailed appeal letters and provided thorough evidence of compliance

We Activated Intellectual Property Trademark Suspension And Released $144000 from Expenses

We are thrilled to share a recent success story where our team at Aplus Global Ecommerce helped a client not only reactivate their Amazon seller account but also secure a seamless reimbursement of funds. The client’s account was deactivated, and Amazon held all their funds in expenses, putting their business operations at a standstill.

Client Background

Our client, a successful Amazon seller, faced a significant challenge when their account was deactivated due to multiple IP trademark infringement claims. The client was unable to reactivate their account for more than a year, which severely impacted their business operations. Further, Amazon placed a hold on funds, over $144,000+ and put them in expenses. We stepped in to resolve the issue and reactivate the account.

Case Study Overview

1. Account Deactivation

Amazon deactivated the client’s account due to multiple alleged IP trademark infringements. This deactivation resulted in a suspension of selling privileges, also they put a hold on funds, over $144,000 into expenses.

2. Initial Appeal

We immediately prepared and submitted an appeal to Amazon, providing the necessary documentation and explaining the situation. However, Amazon rejected the initial appeal and requested more detailed information.

3. Detailed Appeal Preparation

Understanding the gravity of the situation, we meticulously prepared a moredetailed and comprehensive appeal. This included:

  • Detailed analysis of the IP infringement claim.
  • Gathering and organizing supporting documents.
  • Creating a clear and compelling appeal letter focusing on all the root causes, steps and actions taken to resolve the issue.
4. Second Appeal Submission

We submitted the second appeal to Amazon, addressing all the concerns and providing additional evidence to support our client’s case.

5. Amazon’s Response and Additional Requirements

Amazon reviewed our second appeal but requested further clarification and additional documentation.

6.  Final Appeal Submission

After thoroughly reviewing Amazon’s feedback, we prepared and submitted a final, detailed appeal. This included:

  • Comprehensive documentation and evidence.
  • Clear explanations and justifications addressing all of Amazon’s concerns.
7. Account Reactivation

After a rigorous review process, Amazon accepted our final appeal, and the client’s account was reactivated. Although the financial hold of $144,000 was not released immediately because funds were in expenses, the reactivation of the account allowed the client to resume their business operations and work towards resolving the financial hold.

8. Client Satisfaction

The client was extremely happy with the results, as we managed to reactivate the account within 14 days, a task they had been struggling with for over a year.

However, our job was not yet complete, as the real challenge ahead was to get the funds released from the expenses hold. This would involve continued efforts and strategic communication with Amazon to ensure the client’s financial stability was fully restored.

9. Releasing Funds from Expenses

Confident in our abilities, we embarked on the challenging process of getting the funds released from the expenses. This process took us three months of elentless effort. If the funds had been on hold within the account, they would have been released immediately. However, since they were categorized as expenses, we faced additional hurdles.

For three months, we:

  • Consistently called Amazon and opened multiple cases.
  • Explained the situation repeatedly to different levels of the seller support team.
  • Experienced our case being transferred multiple times within Amazon’s support structure.

The key factors that led to our success were our unwavering patience and our undetermined commitment. Ultimately, our persistent efforts paid off, and we successfully got the funds released from the expenses, fully restoring the client’s financial stability.

10 .Success in Releasing Funds from Expenses

After three months of persistent efforts, including staying in constant touch with seller support, submitting multiple appeals, and explaining our situation repeatedly, we finally received the breakthrough we were working towards. Amazon accepted our appeal and informed us that the funds would be disbursed within 3-5 days. Three days later, we received confirmation that the amount of over $144,000 had been successfully transferred.

Both we and our client were extremely excited and relieved. Throughout this process, we worked closely together, navigating each challenge with patience and commitment. Although the account was reactivated in just 14 days, it took us three months to successfully release the funds, marking a significant achievement in restoring our client’s business operations.


This case study showcases our expertise in resolving complex Amazon account issues. Initially deactivated for over a year with a financial hold exceeding $144,000, we successfully reactivated the account within 14 days. However, the process to release the funds from expenses took an additional three months of persistent effort, including multiple appeals and extensive communication with Amazon. Our commitment and patience ultimately paid off when the funds were successfully disbursed, marking a significant achievement in restoring our client’s business operations and financial stability.

We are dedicated to helping Amazon sellers overcome account suspensions and maximize their success through expert account management.

Popular Suspension Reason

Intellectual property

Inauthentic Claim

Drop Shipping policy

Seller Code of Conduct

Account Health Issues


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