
Portfolio Details

  • Objective

    Activation of Amazon Seller Account

  • Date

    15 January, 2024

  • Marketplace

    United Kingdom

  • Challenges

    Managing complex Amazon IP laws for copyright infringement claims

  • Solution

    wrote detailed appeal letters and provided thorough evidence for activation.

We Activated Amazon Seller Account Deactivated Due to Copyright Infringement Under Intellectual Property

Our client, an Amazon seller registered in China and operating in the United Kingdom marketplace, faced account deactivation due to a copyright infringement claim that comes under Amazon Intellectual Property Suspension.

Client Background

Our client, an Amazon seller with an account registered in China and operating in the United Kingdom marketplace, faced a severe challenge when their account was deactivated due to a copyright infringement claim, which falls under Intellectual Property violations. Prior to seeking our assistance, the client had already submitted 08-10 appeals without success, leaving the account in a compromised state.

Case Study Overview

1. Account Deactivation

The client’s account was deactivated by Amazon due to a copyright infringement claim. Despite numerous attempts to appeal, the account remained suspended, causing significant disruption to their business operations.

2.Initial Assessment

Upon taking on the case, we conducted a thorough assessment of the client’s situation. We reviewed all previous appeals and identified gaps and areas where additional information and documentation were required.

3 . Strategic Appeal Preparation

We prepared a detailed and comprehensive appeal to address the specific concerns raised by Amazon. However, Amazon rejected our initial five appeals, each time requesting more information or further clarification.

4. Appeal Submission and Follow-up

We meticulously revised and strengthened our approach with each submission, ensuring all required information was provided and addressing every point of contention raised by Amazon. We maintained constant communication with Amazon, following up on each appeal to promptly address any additional questions or concerns.

5. Account Reactivation

On the sixth appeal, after two months of persistent effort and thorough documentation, Amazon finally accepted our appeal and reactivated the client’s account. This marked a significant turnaround for the client, who had previously been unable to achieve any progress with their numerous appeals.

6. Outcome and Client Impact
  • Account Reactivated: The client’s account was successfully reactivated, allowing them to resume their business operations on Amazon.
  • Client Satisfaction: The client was highly satisfied with our prompt and effective resolution, as we managed to achieve in two months what they couldn’t in their previous 08-10 appeals.
  • Business Continuity: The reactivation of the account helped restore the client’s sales and market presence, mitigating the impact of the deactivation period.



This case study highlights our expertise in resolving complex Amazon account deactivations, particularly those involving intellectual property violations. Our strategic approach, thorough documentation, and persistent follow-up were key to successfully reactivating the client’s account.

We are dedicated to helping Amazon sellers overcome account suspensions and maximize their success through expert account management.

Popular Suspension Reason

Intellectual property

Inauthentic Claim

Drop Shipping policy

Seller Code of Conduct

Account Health Issues


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